In September 1837, Michael Peter Graybill sold his farm in Ohio and moved his family west to join with the saints in Far West, MO in order to help build the New Jerusalem. Levi and Simeon were 21 and 23 years old respectively, while the youngest at the time was Sydney Ridgdon Graybill, age 17 months. It was difficult enough for Erin and I to move our family out to Pittsburgh with the conveniences of transportation and movers. I can't imagine the difficulty and struggles they had in moving their belongings and family 700+ miles.
Once in MO, the Graybills suffered along with their neighbors. They lost plows, wagons, horses, hogs, and even their crops to robbers/mobbers, Levi and Simeon were forced to find work to help provide for the family. They took up work cutting railroad ties in Hannibal, MO.
Here is a list of Michael's "Charge for Damage against the state of Missouri":
*"Illenois adams county May 11th 1839 the following is my charge for Damage a gainst the State of missauri Viz in 1838 and 1839
-house taken sevnty five Dollars, $75.00
-one waggon and harness Sixty Dollars, 60.00
-five months time Lost my self and three boys three hundred and sixt Dolls, 360.00
-in Land fifty Dollars, 50.00
-vegitables five Dollars, 5.00
-hogs twenty Dollars, 20.00
-five hundred and seventy Doll. total sum, $570.00
Michael Graybill. [Sworn to before W. Oglesby, J.P., Adams Co., IL, 11 May 1839]."
* Individual Affidavits from the LDS Historical Department" from the book "Mormon Redress Petitions, Documents of the 1833-1838 Missouri Conflict", editor Clark V. Johnson, p. 220, Michael Graybill