Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Egg Hunt

Lily surprised Erin and I when I got home from work a few weeks back with an Easter egg hunt.  We were both allowed to find two eggs each and we sat down at the kitchen table to open them.  The first egg I opened had two paper clips in it.  The thought "Where's the candy" entered my mind, but I smiled and continued opening up the eggs.  Next egg had a dried out wet wipe that was folded, I secretly hoped it wasn't used.  Next  egg had a dirty rock in it....I started to get with what was going on in front of me, but I kept silent and opened the last egg that was empty.  Thinking that Erin put her up to it, I asked Lily what did all this mean.  She must have been waiting for that question because she excitedly started to tell the story.

She put the two paper clips together and explained that they were like the cross that Jesus died on.

The next egg with the not-so-wet wipe represented the cloth that Jesus' body was wrapped in.

The purple egg had a rock in it for the stone that was put in front Jesus' tomb.

Finally, she explained that the tomb was empty because Jesus had been resurrected.

Erin gave me the look that she had nothing to do with this.  I was amazed of how good a memory Lily has to remember it and to put this special Easter egg hunt together for us as a reminder that Jesus lives!