Monday, October 22, 2007

Precious Vinyl

Here is our latest addition to the baber's bedroom...a stripe of paint and vinyl. I couldn' t be happier about the way it turned out. I feel good about my creative skillz. I just wish I was a better photographer so I could give you a feel for what the whole room looks like. It's pretty cool.


B said...

Way cool, ebay. Where did you get the vinyl and the idea? You're awesome.

erin said...

Thanks means a lot coming from my hip bro. My cute neighbor sells the vinyl, and I got the idea out of the treasure trove of creativity inside my mind, oh and I got some help from a catalog.

Michael and Brinn said...

Wow! Erin I love it. You are so good. I love that color brown. Did you design the vinyl?

Kimberly Porter said...

It's cute & I'm jealous! You did a great job.