Wednesday, December 19, 2007

picture updates

milo and lils
deja & danny's puppies. she named hers after my child.
friends reunited. this was a few months ago, but I thought I'd include it.

we dressed our baby up as yoda for our "back to bethlehem" Christmas party


i recovered this chair. it cost me $4

little mermaid


Dani said...

I'm very impressed that you reupholstered that chair all by yourself.

Lindsey said...

okay so...your house looks great! I love lily's room!!! What the heck is Deja the hot up to?? she married??

Michael and Brinn said...

Hey Er! Cute pictures. Lucy is getting big. I love the Yoda picture. I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I miss ya!

Harper Family said...

Hey Erin!

It's Amy Peck! I came across your blog on Alyssa's...I hope you don't mind that I took a peek. You guys look like you're doing great! We have a Lily of our own too. Come check out our blog sometime. It is:
Take care,

The Ericksons said...

Erin - It's the end of January. I think it's time for another picture update.

Cicely said...

Hmm...Maybe the picture of Cicely the Red could be removed from the scene. Just an idea. Your child is gorgeous.


Cicely said...

Can you tell that David wrote that comment? But seriously, our kids are cute. And even more seriously- that picture of me as a giant red balloon needs to go.

I love you!