Monday, September 1, 2008

Happenings as of late.

Wheeler farm family reunion campout. Fun stuff. We're so glad to have Daddy back too. He went out of town for a couple weeks for work. I should have taken more pictures of the campout. The kids had great fun together the cookies were amazing, and Papa's stories....priceless.

Cow milking...pretty obvious, in a smelly barn with TONS o flies. Fun still.

The new couch we ordered! Thanks for all of your votes. Our new house should be done in a couple weeks!!

Lily loved the owl at the zoo. (This picture doesn't demonstrate that, but believe me she finds owls everywhere she can now and says "Hoo, hoo.")

We are so glad to have T back in town..(and Jared).



The Ericksons said...

Such cute pictures. It was sure fun to see you the other day. We need to get together with our husbands too.

Ryan & Keri said...

Where was that campout? It looks like a really fun place! And I love your new furniture. Where is your new home being built? Are you still working, Erin? What about Riki? Is he sticking with the insurance, or has he changed jobs? Hope all is well. You have a beautiful family!