Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Odds and Ends

Z surprised Erin today by rolling over from his front to his back and then back to front.  Erin called me all excited.  Those are the 'Firsts' that I wish I could be home to see.  Guess I will just have to take her word for it.

We have all been battling through a cold.  Z and Erin have it now while Keeks and I just got through it.

This weekend we are going up to the beach in Erie with a group from our ward to play for the day.  There are supposed to be some good beaches.  The girls are very excited, they love to play on the beach.

I cleaned out our rain gutters last Saturday.  They were stuffed full of those helicopter swirling maple seeds.  The front gutter was so packed that hundreds of maple trees had begun to grow.  The smell of the rotting seeds was horrendous.

Finally, we made arepas for our friends who ate over on Sunday.  They were good and we had a great time getting to know them better.