My kids are little entrepreneurs. Lily had the idea to sell painted rocks for money. She wants to buy a Kindle or Ipod or something. Lily made a sign that said "Rocs fr Sale" "Dollars only." She sounded it out herself...she spelled Dollars "Dolrs" but she wanted to correct it after she asked me so I helped her with that and "only". She wanted to sell the big ones for $20 each, but I advised her to bring down the price to $5 for the large, $3 for the medium and $1 for the small. She did it reluctantly. As soon as Kena came home from preschool she immediately started going door-to-door trying to sell little candy bars. She had no fear. She was mad at me that I wouldn't let her go waaay down the street to sell. They were also lugging around a cooler full of water bottles and apple juice to you can see from the pictures, it was very hard work. Our neighbors were so sweet and kind and believe it or not my kids made $21.
Another funny thing...after Kena made her first sale of $1 door-to-door at our next door neighbor, she immediately came back to where Lily was set up on our driveway and used the money she had just made to buy an apple juice box for herself! LOL. I love that kid.
I had to comment on this. I am laughing and enjoying every little picture painted in my mind of them doing all of this. How funny that Kena bought her own apple juice. LOVE IT and MISS YOU GUYS!!!
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