Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday

I can't believe that a year has already blown by. Lily is growing up way too fast. We celebrated her birthday today with some gluten free cupcakes. It was fun to remember how last year at this time we were anxiously waiting to hold and see our baby who up to that time we had only felt kicking. Today we have a rambunctious little girl. I asked Erin to describe her in just one word, for me the little papaka is determined...determined to make my hair turn gray faster than it is!

Ignore the cruise in at the end of this clip. It seems Erin decided to tape over last years cruise in in Logan.


The Ericksons said...

Lily is so cute. I can't believe she's a year old.

me and him said...

hey erin! ty showed me your's darling. i can't believe that lily is 1! how fun! they grow up so dang fast. i loved seeing her modeling skills at work for jj cole, you really need to get a hold of tyra've got talant on your hands, watch out!

Cicely said...

I can't believe you are moving to SLC!!! Our dream has come true! When are you coming and why havne't you called me yet?
I love you!

Michael and Brinn said...

What? YOu are moving to Salt Lake? Can you please email me or something, so that I know you are still alive? Common, Riki and Erin, don't you know you are supposed to let the child dive into the cupcake. Do you have a delicate little girl on your hands? It looks like she is taking well to the gluten-free way of treats. Hope you guys are doing well. Love, Brinn

The Garfields said...

Hey old neighbors. She sure is gowing up. I can't beleive she is one already. What a cutie. Cool blog to, check ours out. We added you to our friend list, hope that's ok

Ryan & Keri said...

Lily is so beautiful! I can't believe she's a year either. How have you been? Are you still working? What is Riki up to? I found your blog among Dani's long list of friends. Anyway, write me if you get a minute.