Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well here we go again. After receiving some pressure from a few of you and my husband, here are some recent pictures. I just can't keep up with the whole blogging scene. I am close to admitting defeat. If you are looking for creative and entertaining blog entries, sorry you won't find them here. So there. Just get over it. I am blogging when ever I get the chance just so you can see our little girl grow up and see what else is going on (if I get around to blogging about it). I will not try to keep up with you practically professional bloggers out there. I will enjoy your blogs without comparing myself to you. Good. I'm glad that's out in the open.

Here's what has happened lately:
1. We sold our house!!!! (Knock on wood) We are scheduled to close on it on the 28th of this month. That is a huge relief. Thanks to my uncle Dave for all his help and time he put into it. We are moving the rest of our stuff out this weekend. If you are in Logan on Saturday morning we would appreciate any help. It will mostly be loading furniture and boxes into the moving truck. I will provide popcicles.
2. We had our preconstruction meeting on our house. This means we finalized all our colors, electrical, and structural changes to our house and now they will apply for the building permit. They say it will take about a month for the permit to be approved and four or five months for the house to be built. That puts us in around October or November. Yay. Thanks to Mom and Dad for letting us stay with them until then.
3. The bubs is so cute. She is learning lots more words and puts her finger to her lips and says "shhhhh" when her horsey is trying to sleep. She has a little bit of a lisp. So adorable.
4. Rik wanted me to note how manly he is. Very manly, babe. Trust me.
5. Jazz lost. Sad.
6. Archuleta vs. Cook tonight!

Here are some pictures.

Inside the oven drawer

Tubby time

Helping dad with his calls



5th Anniversary. I love you, dear. I couldn't ask for a better husband and daddy to the bubs.


Lindsey said...

You guys make cute babies...I think that means you need another.

I am coming to Utah in June. Can I see you? PLEASE!

Fun news! Congrats on the house!

Lizz Pizza said...

You guys are so cute!!! I miss you Erin!!!!

The Andersens said...

Heather!! Your house is under contract?? That is great news! I am super excited for you guys.
Tell Riki, I've always thought of him as super manly. haha

The Ericksons said...

I'm so happy to see new pictures. That is my favorite part about blogs and I had about given up on you. It was SO much fun to get together the other night. We need to do it more often. We also need to get thinking more about our camping trip...

Ryan & Keri said...

I miss you Erin. Congratulations of your 5th wedding anniversary. Very exciting! And your babe is so beautiful! I love her Alphalpha / Smurf / Alien picture in the bathtub. It's so cute! Now all you need to post is a video, so we can hear her cute lisp! Keri

The Andersens said...

How did everything go with your house?

Cody said...

Happy anniversary guys!! The new house looks amazing. It will be good to have you guys closer when we come to town. Maybe we'll see you more often. We miss you. Cody and Eliza