Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Did you know?

This is a section where I want to post interesting tidbits as I learn them.

John D Rockefeller was the first American billionaire.  If his total earnings were adjusted for inflation, he would be the richest person in American history.   Rockefeller always paid tithing on his income, he was a stout Baptist.  He was the father of modern day philanthropy giving hundreds of millions away for medical research, education, and science.  His business practices were often seen as cutthroat.  Rockefeller once controlled the Consolidation Coal Company (later named CONSOL Energy) where I work today.


tiare said...

I did not know that! Pretty cool. E-mail the title of the book....or is it the one on the left sidebar? I'm finding myself more interested in entrepreneurs lately. I read Larry H. Miller's biography this past summer and think it's amazing the risks these guys take.
We watched a documentary about J. Willard Marriott and I had no idea he was behind A&W!